USDA Announces $100 Million Biofuels Infrastructure Grant Program
--Apply Now for Fleet Fueling, & Retail-- U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced the U.S. Department of Agriculture intends to make available up to $100 million in competitive grants for activities designed to expand the availability and sale...
IRS Issues Rules to Claim Biodiesel, Alternative Fuel Incentives for 2018 and 2019
In Notice 2020-08, the IRS instructs blenders of biodiesel and alternative fuel and sellers and users of alternative fuel on how to make a claim for retroactively extended incentives, including the biodiesel mixture credit, alternative fuel credit, and...
DOE Announces $133 Million to Accelerate Advanced Vehicle Technologies Research
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced Thursday, January 23, 2020 up to $133 million in new and innovative advanced vehicle technologies research. This funding supports research that will lead to more affordable, efficient, and secure transportation energy....
EPA Seeks Clean Truck Initiative Comments
On January 6, 2020, EPA Administrator, Andrew Wheeler, signed an Advance Notice of Proposed Rule (ANPR) soliciting pre-proposal comments on a rulemaking effort known as the Cleaner Trucks Initiative (CTI). This ANPR describes EPA’s plans for a new rulemaking that...
Clean Transportation Industry Wins Big in Final FY 2020 Spending Bill
The clean transportation energy won several big victories this week as the House and Senate reached agreement on the FY 2020 spending bill. The House has passed the bill on Tuesday. The Senate is expected to approve it and the President is expected to sign it into law...
Northeast Regional Transportation and Climate Initiative Invites Comments to Draft Program to Cap GHG Emissions
The Transportation and Climate Initiative is now accepting comments on a draft Memorandum of Understanding between states in the Northeast to establish a cap-and invest greenhouse gas pollution reduction program for transportation fuels. Comments are due by Friday,...
DERA Grant Applications Open for 2020
The U.S. EPA anticipates awarding approximately $44 million in competitive grant funding under the Diesel Emissions Reductions Act (DERA) National Grants Program. The program is soliciting applications nationwide for projects that achieve significant reductions in...
National Propane Gas Association submits comments about inclusion of propane incentives in EPA proposed vehicle rule
Autogas Incentives in Proposed EPA Standards NPGA urged the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to include autogas in response to the agencies' recent joint proposal that would adjust the corporate...
An Electric Vehicle Roadmap for Connecticut
The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) initiated the development of an Electric Vehicle Roadmap (EV Roadmap) for Connecticut., as recommended by the Comprehensive Energy Strategy issued on February 8, 2018. The EV Roadmap is anticipated to...
Act TODAY to Protect Clean Cities Funding
Proposed budget amendment threatens to completely de-fund Clean Cities program We're in danger of losing the DOE’s only initiative focused on the deployment of cleaner fuels, advanced technology vehicles, and alternative refueling infrastructure. Congressman Paul...
Decades of Experience Driving Transportation Forward
The national network of Clean Cities coalitions is celebrating 25 years of success in shaping the transportation system of the future. Nearly 100 coalitions nationwide forge local partnerships among public and private sector stakeholders to bolster our nation’s energy...
GNHCCC Receives Clean Cities Workshop Award
The award was received for the coalition’s work with propane school buses, most notably, Yale University’s propane autogas school bus fleet.