Funding the Transition to an Electric School Bus Fleet


Hosts: New York State Clean Cities Coalitions Please join the New York State Clean Cities Coalitions, Highland Electric Transportation, and New York Association for Pupil Transportation for a 90-minute webinar to review the latest options in financing your transition to zero-emission battery electric school buses (EVSB). The webinar will feature: Welcome and introduction by NYAPT […]

2020 High-Efficiency Truck Users Forum (HTUF) Webinar Series – Vehicle electrification


CALSTART and their partners at the U.S. Army Ground Vehicle Systems Center (GVSC) will present a series of 4 monthly webinars that will explore advanced technology issues that highlight the connection between commercial and military vehicles. HTUF continues its role as the process for bringing together stakeholders to identify commercialization barriers and solutions and this […]

2020 High-Efficiency Truck Users Forum (HTUF) Webinar Series – vehicle electrification to microgrids


CALSTART and their partners at the U.S. Army Ground Vehicle Systems Center (GVSC) will present a series of 4 monthly webinars that will explore advanced technology issues that highlight the connection between commercial and military vehicles. HTUF continues its role as the process for bringing together stakeholders to identify commercialization barriers and solutions and this […]

2020 High-Efficiency Truck Users Forum (HTUF) Webinar Series – cybersecurity for vehicles


CALSTART and their partners at the U.S. Army Ground Vehicle Systems Center (GVSC) will present a series of 4 monthly webinars that will explore advanced technology issues that highlight the connection between commercial and military vehicles. HTUF continues its role as the process for bringing together stakeholders to identify commercialization barriers and solutions and this […]

ACT Virtual: Staying Plugged In: ACT’s Annual EV Charging Workshop

ACT Goes Virtual With Fleet Education August 18, 2020 – November 19, 2020 Module 4 Staying Plugged In: ACT's Annual EV Charging Workshop ACT's EV Charging Workshop is back by popular demand! Hear how the EV charging landscape has evolved, including key lessons learned in fleet charging infrastructure deployments, as well as strategies to control […]

Municipal Electric Vehicle Readiness Toolkit Series: Electric School Buses

The Municipal EV Readiness Toolkit 12-Week Program Module 2: Electric School Buses will help school boards, town purchasing & finance departments, and bus contractors learn how to electrify their fleets and develop town-wide, comprehensive electrification plans to reach 30% electric by 2030. We encourage all course participants to join us for Module 2 and learn […]

Autogas Answers: Operating your fleet with a smaller budget

The upcoming complimentary Autogas Answers webinar will address the benefits of propane as a cleaner and less expensive fuel for your fleet. We understand the budget constraints and impact that COVID-19 has caused for municipalities and fleets. We believe by attending this webinar you'll see the significant cost savings that can be realized through information […]

AltWheels Fleet Day 2020

AltWheels Fleet Day 2020 Sustainable Transportation in a Post-Covid World: Creating Opportunity from Uncertainty We will have several keynote speakers this year including Anirban Basu, Chairman and CEO of the Sage Policy Group. Anirban serves as Chairman of the Maryland Economic Development Commission, teaches global strategy at Johns Hopkins University, and serves the Chief Economist function […]

ACT Virtual: The Main Stage

ACT Goes Virtual With Fleet Education August 18, 2020 – November 19, 2020 Module 1 The Main Stage ACT's main stage ballroom discussions are coming to a computer near you! Hear top executives from major suppliers, manufacturers, and fleets who are aggressively pushing ahead on advanced clean transportation technologies and what they're betting big on, […]

ACT Virtual: Staying Plugged In: ACT’s Annual EV Charging Workshop

ACT Goes Virtual With Fleet Education August 18, 2020 – November 19, 2020 Module 4 Staying Plugged In: ACT's Annual EV Charging Workshop ACT's EV Charging Workshop is back by popular demand! Hear how the EV charging landscape has evolved, including key lessons learned in fleet charging infrastructure deployments, as well as strategies to control […]