CMAQ Webinar


Many types of projects are eligible for Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) program funding. During this webinar, you'll hear from two metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) about using CMAQ funding for alternative fuel vehicle projects. Jim Stack from Genesee Transportation Council will describe how partnering with a Clean Cities Coalition provided knowledge from a […]

RESCHEDULED from FEB 9: Informational Meeting on the Draft Proposed State Mitigation Plan

Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT, United States

Due to the impending snowstorm, the public informational meeting scheduled for February 9, 2017 regarding the state's proposed VW mitigation plan has been rescheduled to February 23, 2017 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the McCarthy Auditorium at DEEP's main offices located at 79 Elm Street in Hartford, CT. DEEP is hosting an informational meeting on the draft Proposed […]

Alternative Fuels for Transit Vehicles Workshop

Greater New Haven Transit District 1014 Sherman Ave., Hamden, CT, United States

Greater New Haven Clean Cities, Capitol Clean Cities, and Connecticut Association for Community Transportation present Alternative Fuels for Transit Vehicles & an update on the VW settlement Learn about the basics of natural gas, propane autogas, and hybrid transist vehicles, infrastructure, and operations from the industry experts and fleets that have already taken advantage of […]