The Energy Independence Summit provides a unique opportunity for Clean Cities Coalitions and leaders in the clean transportation industry to network and build partnerships with each other, and with key Congressional and Administration policymakers in Washington, DC.
As we approach the critical 2016 elections, the Summit will provide an important opportunity to educate key policy makers about the need for incentives, tools and resources to overcome barriers to the widespread use of cleaner vehicles and fuels. The Summit will feature educational sessions and presentations from the nation’s leading clean transportation experts on:
• How the 2016 elections will impact prospects for federal funding and incentives to promote alternative fuels, vehicles and infrastructure;
• Innovative state and local policies and programs, which are advancing markets for cleaner fuels and vehicles;
• What the key federal agencies (Departments of Energy, Transportation, Defense, Agriculture, and EPA) are doing to provide funding and encourage widespread use of alternative fuels;
• New technologies and market developments that are driving the alternative fuels industry forward.
On Capitol Hill Day, Clean Cities Coordinators and our industry partners will talk directly with Congressional and federal agency officials about alternative fuel and advanced vehicle and infrastructure projects, and other successes achieved with the support of government leaders and industry. The day will close with a networking reception hosted by UPS and attended by key Members of Congress and their staff.