by GNHCCC | Apr 20, 2015 | Fuels, Vehicles
In Connecticut more and more Direct Current (DC) fast charging stations are being deployed along state highways as a solution to charge an electric vehicle while away from home. However due to their size, these fast charging stations are placed on a commercial rate...
by GNHCCC | Mar 17, 2015 | Fuels, Laws & Incentives
The Connecticut Department of Transportation (Department) is seeking proposals for the Connecticut Clean Fuel (CCF) program. The CCF program was created to promote clean transportation by encouraging municipalities and other public transportation entities to include...
by GNHCCC | Mar 10, 2015 | Fuels, Laws & Incentives, Vehicles
Round 3 Municipal and State EV Charging Incentive Program DEEP is pleased to announce that funds are now available for municipalities and state agencies to promote electric vehicle (EV) use by sponsoring electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) at major traffic...
by GNHCCC | Feb 11, 2015 | Fuels, Safety
The Clean Vehicle Education Foundation (CVEF) has released an update related to its investigation of the Indianapolis CNG refuse truck fire. The update contains a review of the incident as well as safety recommendations for drivers and first responders faced with a...
by GNHCCC | Jan 26, 2015 | Fuels, Laws & Incentives
Notice 2015-3 issued on January 16, 2015 provides taxpayers the process to make a one time claim for alternative fuels sold or used in the 2014 calendar year. Claims may be filed as early as January 16, 2015 but the official start date is February 9, 2015 and need to...
by GNHCCC | Jan 5, 2015 | Events, Fuels, Laws & Incentives
Energy Independence Summit 2015 February 22-24, Washington, DC Please join us at the nation’s premier alternative fuels policy summit, where the nation’s Clean Cities Coalitions and transportation energy leaders share best practices and educate federal...