Biennial Conference on Electric Roads and Vehicles (CERV)
CERV is a unique single-track conference with panel sessions comprised of experts, program directors, and key leaders in academia, industry, policy, and government. CERV connects the related industries of charging infrastructure, transportation infrastructure, electric utility, and automotive OEMs. The forum encourages an exchange of ideas and discovery of developmental opportunities. Their aim is to advance the integration of energy, vehicle, communication, and highway infrastructure and their economics, adoption, and societal impacts.
CERV’s program is led by distinguished panelists, each of whom are experts in their respective fields. Approximately half of each panel session is dedicated to experts, providing them time for discussion and overviews on state of the art, key issues which need to be addressed, and opportunities they have identified moving forward. Half of the time is then reserved for discussion with the audience. Panel sessions typically cover discussions in the following areas:
Static and dynamic wireless charging
Conductive dynamic charging
Extreme fast charging
Grid integration and impacts
Autonomy, connectedness, security
Roadway/pavements integration